Monday, November 14, 2011

Real Quick

Okay people. I'm sorry. I have NOT forgotten about my financial fitness goal, nor about my promise to share all the good advice I got with (from) you. I got a nasty cold last week and nothing really got done until Friday, when I started feeling better. Oh, also the hubs was on night shifts. This may sound very 8-years-old, but I just do not sleep the same when he is not around. My house makes scary sounds at night!

Anyway I neglected a lot of things like cooking, cleaning, doing my hair or makeup or even sometimes getting out of pajamas, working on my book, and blogging. My bad.

Stay tuned this week for my most recent financial EPIC fail, a peek into my new motivational strategy, and tips from you guys that I'm excited to try out.


hughesfamily said...

You are so funny! I am typing this, totally not expecting blogger to actually let me comment.

hughesfamily said...

It let me!

hughesfamily said...


I have no idea what I apparently did to blogger to make it hate me at random moments and then like me again just when I am about to give up forever.

I read this blog and your family one all of the are such a good writer! Please finish your book so I can buy a copy! :)

Yay for winning mascara!!!!

P.S. Feel better, soon!